Design of your Folder of Application

There are several things which you should bear in mind when designing your folder of application. In this section you are going to find out about them.


Develop your own style

The layout of your folder of application can differ according to the sector and the job description. What is most important is that the folder of application suits both you and your future job.


Individual Possibilities in Design

Just like your language and your clothes, the layout and style of your application express your personality. Inform yourself about the company, to which you apply for a job. In many cases the job advertisements give you clues whether a company is progressive or conservative. Bear this in mind when compiling and designing your folder of application.

Develop your own Corporate Design and choose the appropriate font and colour. Make use of your software!


Folder – Paper

At the stationery you can find a number of different folders. Purchase one which does not require to punch the paper and never use plastic cover. As far as the choice of colours is concerned, try to choose rather discreet colours.

White paper is always best. But don’t forget that slightly grey paper in a grey folder or pastel blue paper in a blue folder makes your application stick out. However, it is not the paper that counts, it should only help make your application more successful.

Experiment and try out different designs!


Design of your Folder.pdf (84.05 KB)


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